Cucumber Shrimp Soup
Recipe from 1 Stock, 100 Soups
by Linda Doeser
Recipe 74
You can find this recipe on page 166 of this wonderful cookbook
about taking 1 basic recipe and making 100 kinds of soup
These are the ingredients you will need for this recipe:
Basic Vegetable Stock
Fresh Dill
Green Food Coloring
Peeled Cooked Shrimp
Light Cream
Salt and Pepper
Serves 6
This was my first soup from the book since making the stock. I was a little nervous because it is a cold soup, and I wasn't sure how I'd like it. However, I am trying to make the soups that have seasonal ingredients right now, and I have plenty of cucumbers outside. I don't think I have ever peeled a cucumber makes them look kind of funny. The scallions and dill were also from my garden.
All the veggies get simmered in the soup stock. I used dried dill because it was late and I didn't feel like fighting the mosquitoes and other various winged insects outside in the pitch dark.
After the veggies are done, I took them out and ran them through my food processor to make them smooth. While the pot was vacant, I cooked the little shrimp. When it was done, I put the shrimp on a plate, and I returned the soup to the pot.
While the soup reheated, I mixed a paste of cornstarch and water, and then added the paste to the soup. I stirred the mixture until the soup thickened, and then added salt and pepper to taste. At this point I added the shrimp back in.
Then, you should cool the soup for at least 4 hours. I did mine overnight so I could eat it today. I should mention that I knew I would be the only one home to eat the soup, so I halved the recipe, so yes, it does look like a smaller amount. When you are ready to serve, add a whirl of light cream and enjoy cold! Have you ever made cold soups?
Happy Cooking!